Jan. 4th Hereditary

I loved the movie but I’m unsure if that love is biased due to the amount of praise the film has gotten and it became one of my most hyped movies to see as of 2018 and I had finally gotten a chance to see it today. The movie was chock full of details to progress the story along. Each opening shot was amazing since it was prevalent to the model house theme and I absolutely loved the highway incident as I’ve never been more stressed out with impending fear like that before. I’m unsure if I like how the movie progressed later on after that scene because I didn’t realize it was a cult horror movie. I thought that it would’ve turned out to be the mother slowly killing everyone. I hated the Grandma’s narration at the end explaining how the son is now King Paimon and it felt that the ending narration was spoonfeeding me information that I already had gathered the clues from the details before. I however loved the final moments that took place beforehand leading to it i.e. the mother just floating on top of the ceiling, cutting away at her own head with piano wire. Absolute creepfest.

Jan. 2nd Apostle

I felt as if the genres suddenly switched up in the middle of the movie. The film’s setting felt entirely empty for what was supposed to a cult town. My girlfriend and I actually had a 30 minute discussion about how this could’ve been a much better movie by getting rid of the kidnapped sister plotline and have the main protagonist actually decide if he wants to join this cult out of hopelessness and misdeeds in his past life and discover that this little cult isn’t as nice as the pamphlets led him to believe.